February 2024 Spire Newsletter📢 Dive into our latest Spire Newsletter for all things Wesley! Discover the inside scoop on the Semler Concert, details on the upcoming...
One Winter NightWesley Social Action Mission’s Committee is excited to invite you to join One Winter Night, an annual fundraiser of C-U at Home, a...
Be Part of Something BYGSomething BYG is coming to the Champaign-Urbana area! It's BYG - the Big Youth Group! This is a collaborative effort to gather teens from...
Interfaith Conference & Semler ConcertThe national artist/musician, Semler, will present a concert at the Wesley Student Center on Saturday, February 24, as part of the...
Soul Purpose Begins February 4th!Soul Purpose, a new initiative funded by a grant from the Forum for Theological Exploration, begins meeting Sunday, February 4th, and...